Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Eve and Me

Hi! Welcome to our blog. When I was trying to decide what to write about for my first post, I had lots of ideas. I thought about writing about how I get ideas for books or how I actually write the books. I thought about writing about how I come up with craft ideas. Karen is really the craft expert. I'm kind of craft challenged. So if I can do the crafts in my books, anyone can!

But then I thought I'd write about some things I've been learning. This past year I've been reading about women in the Bible. Some are well known like Sarah, Deborah, Mary and Elizabeth while others are less well known like the five sisters who asked Moses to let them have their father's land, Caleb's daughter, and the midwives who saved many Hebrew boys by disobeying orders to kill them at birth.

The first Bible woman we read about is Eve. When we think of Eve, we usually think about her eating the forbidden fruit and having to leave the garden, but there is much more to Eve than that. She was the first woman, and God created her with a unique personality and a mission to fulfill. She was to be the mother of all humans. Since Eve was the only woman around, she didn't have anyone to compare herself too like we do today. She didn't have to worry about whether she weighed more or less than the other women or if her hairstyle was up to date enough. She just accepted herself as God created her.

Just like Eve, God created each of us with our own unique personalities and abilities. And he has a special plan for each of us. For some of us it's writing books. For others it's being doctors or nurses, computer programmers or teacher, athletes or musicians. You don't have to wait until you're an adult to live out God's plan for you. Just look around you each day and ask God to show you what he has for you that day.

There's lots more to say about Bible women, but I'll save it for another day.  Why not leave a comment and tell me who your favorite Bible woman is?

Today my daughter Jessica and I are driving to Orlando. We're going to spend a few hours at Universal Studios/Islands of Adventures and then go on to the Florida Christian Writer's Conference for a few days.

This is two of my daughters and myself on our last trip to Universal/Islands of Adventure. I'm in the purple shirt and hat.

Have a great week!


(PS I write under the name Katrina Cassel because that's my legal name, but I go by Kathy)

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