Tuesday, May 31, 2011

New Book

Hi. This is Kathy. And if this is Tuesday, then I am driving from the Florida panhandle where I live now to the Indiana/Michigan border where I grew up.

So I'm writing this post on Sunday evening, and setting it to post on Tuesday.

I thought I'd tell you about a new book I have coming out with Legacy hopefully later this year. It's a quizbook with all kinds of quizzes like
"What Ice Cream Flavor are You?"
"Are You a Mary or a Martha/"
"What's Your Serving Style"
"What Color are You?"
"How Honest are You?"
and so on.

It's going to be a fun book full of quizzes, but it also has stories, activities, puzzles and crafts/

Here's a sample quiz from the book:

Are You for Real?

     God tells us that we shouldn't just hear his Word but we should live it out. That means we need to put our faith in practice everyday. Do you live your faith? Are you the real thing? Take the quiz below to find out. Read each situation. Then decide whether that's what you would do, what you might do or no way would you do it. Circle the correct answer. Be honest!
     1.  You plan to read your Bible before you go to bed, but by time you get home from
         shopping with your mom, you're really tired. You think about putting it off until the
         next day, but change your mind and read your Bible even though you're tired.
            This is what I would do.       I might do this.            No way would I do this.
     2.  A friend asks you to pray for her grandma. You know if you don't write it down
         you'll forget, so you write down the prayer request and pray for it each day.
This is what I would do.       I might do this.            No way would I do this.
     3.  You hear that one of your friends said something about you that isn't true. You
       want to say some mean stuff about her too. But you decide that you should talk to her
       and ask her if she really said untrue things about you and talk it out with her.
            This is what I would do.       I might do this.            No way would I do this.
     4.  A girl is sitting alone at lunch. You feel bad for her because she's always alone.
         You have so much fun sitting with your friends. You decide to ask her to join you
         so she can meet your friends and have fun at lunch too.
            This is what I would do.       I might do this.             No way would I do this.
     5.  Your family is on their way home from your grandma's house Saturday evening
          when you get a flat. You get home really late so your dad says you can skip church
         the next day if you want to. You tell him it's okay, you can catch up on your sleep
            This is what I would do.       I might do this.             No way would I do this.

     Which sentence did you circle the most?
     If you circled "This is what I would do" the most-- and you were honest about it, you're right on target. Your faith is real to you and you live it everyday.
    If you circled "I might do this" the most, you're missing the mark when it comes to putting your faith in action. Stop and think of some ways that you can let the love of Jesus shine through you. Maybe you can invite someone to sit with you at lunch. Or perhaps you can offer to help a student with math. Write down some ideas and try them out. 
     If you circled "No way would I do this" the most, you're off target when it comes to putting your faith in action. You forget to let Jesus shine through you to others. Ask God to help you be more real about your faith. Look for ways to reach out to others at school, in your neighborhood and at home this week.

God Connection: Have you ever looked in the mirror? Of course you have! You probably look in the mirror every morning to check your hair and face before going to school, church, or out to play. What would you do if you see you have some food on your face or you see that your hair isn't combed? Do you just walk away and forget about it? No. You fix it.
     God's word is like a mirror. When we read it, we see things that need fixed in our lives. We
 might see that we aren't as kind as we should be. We might find that we need to be more honest or help more at home. If you just forget what you learn from the Bible, it's like seeing messy hair in the mirror and doing nothing about it.
     Even if you don't fix the problem, and forget what you look like, others don't. And God doesn't either. Use God's mirror to help you have beautiful heart and live out your faith.

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