Tuesday, May 31, 2011

New Book

Hi. This is Kathy. And if this is Tuesday, then I am driving from the Florida panhandle where I live now to the Indiana/Michigan border where I grew up.

So I'm writing this post on Sunday evening, and setting it to post on Tuesday.

I thought I'd tell you about a new book I have coming out with Legacy hopefully later this year. It's a quizbook with all kinds of quizzes like
"What Ice Cream Flavor are You?"
"Are You a Mary or a Martha/"
"What's Your Serving Style"
"What Color are You?"
"How Honest are You?"
and so on.

It's going to be a fun book full of quizzes, but it also has stories, activities, puzzles and crafts/

Here's a sample quiz from the book:

Are You for Real?

     God tells us that we shouldn't just hear his Word but we should live it out. That means we need to put our faith in practice everyday. Do you live your faith? Are you the real thing? Take the quiz below to find out. Read each situation. Then decide whether that's what you would do, what you might do or no way would you do it. Circle the correct answer. Be honest!
     1.  You plan to read your Bible before you go to bed, but by time you get home from
         shopping with your mom, you're really tired. You think about putting it off until the
         next day, but change your mind and read your Bible even though you're tired.
            This is what I would do.       I might do this.            No way would I do this.
     2.  A friend asks you to pray for her grandma. You know if you don't write it down
         you'll forget, so you write down the prayer request and pray for it each day.
This is what I would do.       I might do this.            No way would I do this.
     3.  You hear that one of your friends said something about you that isn't true. You
       want to say some mean stuff about her too. But you decide that you should talk to her
       and ask her if she really said untrue things about you and talk it out with her.
            This is what I would do.       I might do this.            No way would I do this.
     4.  A girl is sitting alone at lunch. You feel bad for her because she's always alone.
         You have so much fun sitting with your friends. You decide to ask her to join you
         so she can meet your friends and have fun at lunch too.
            This is what I would do.       I might do this.             No way would I do this.
     5.  Your family is on their way home from your grandma's house Saturday evening
          when you get a flat. You get home really late so your dad says you can skip church
         the next day if you want to. You tell him it's okay, you can catch up on your sleep
            This is what I would do.       I might do this.             No way would I do this.

     Which sentence did you circle the most?
     If you circled "This is what I would do" the most-- and you were honest about it, you're right on target. Your faith is real to you and you live it everyday.
    If you circled "I might do this" the most, you're missing the mark when it comes to putting your faith in action. Stop and think of some ways that you can let the love of Jesus shine through you. Maybe you can invite someone to sit with you at lunch. Or perhaps you can offer to help a student with math. Write down some ideas and try them out. 
     If you circled "No way would I do this" the most, you're off target when it comes to putting your faith in action. You forget to let Jesus shine through you to others. Ask God to help you be more real about your faith. Look for ways to reach out to others at school, in your neighborhood and at home this week.

God Connection: Have you ever looked in the mirror? Of course you have! You probably look in the mirror every morning to check your hair and face before going to school, church, or out to play. What would you do if you see you have some food on your face or you see that your hair isn't combed? Do you just walk away and forget about it? No. You fix it.
     God's word is like a mirror. When we read it, we see things that need fixed in our lives. We
 might see that we aren't as kind as we should be. We might find that we need to be more honest or help more at home. If you just forget what you learn from the Bible, it's like seeing messy hair in the mirror and doing nothing about it.
     Even if you don't fix the problem, and forget what you look like, others don't. And God doesn't either. Use God's mirror to help you have beautiful heart and live out your faith.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Summer Days

“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”       
~ Psalm 90:12

Sherry here. School is coming to an end and summer is almost here! After a few days of sleeping in and watching television or playing video games, it’s easy to say, “I’m bored. There’s nothing to do!” Well, no more excuses. Time to make a plan!

Here’s a list of 25 things to do to keep your summer days F-U-N!

Hang out with friends.
Go to the pool.
Eat ice cream.
Visit grandparents.
Make a lemonade stand.
Have a water fight.
Go to the beach.
Pitch a tent in your backyard and sleep under the stars.
Play Frisbee.
Go bowling.
Volunteer at an animal shelter.
Clean your room.
Bake some cookies and give them to your neighbors.
Play board games.
Look at old photos of when you were a baby.
Go on a walk and take pictures of flowers.
Make cards with the photos you took and send them to friends.
Have a picnic.
Watch a movie!
Walk your dog and give him a bath.
Write in a journal.
Read as many books as you can.
Put on some music and dance around the room.
Cook dinner for your family.
Sign up for a class.

I’m sure you can think of a lot more!

Make your own list and cross them off as you do them throughout the summer.

Happy Summer!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Security Blanket

Hi, this is Marilyn. When I was four years old, my great-great-aunt gave me a yarn doll for Christmas. I named him Button Eyes and I loved him so much. I did everything with Button Eyes--I dressed him in doll's clothes, pretended he was a patient in my hospital (where I was a nurse), sat him at the dinner table with me. He slept beside me every night, and whenever I went on an overnight trip, Button Eyes went with me. I loved Button Eyes and I was sure that if he were living and breathing, he would love me back. He was my faithful friend and my security blanket.

One day, just as my family was about to go home after a week-long visit at my grandparents' house, I couldn't find Button Eyes. I panicked! We were about to leave, but we all had to look for Button Eyes. Everyone in the family scoured the house for my yarn doll, but no one could find him. So, I had to go home without him--my beloved friend, my security blanket. It was the first time I'd been without him since I'd gotten him for Christmas almost two years before. I was sad, somber, and scared for weeks.

Have you ever lost something that made you feel safe? Were you every cut off from a source of security? How did you feel? What happened to make you feel better?
For the past few days I've been studying this Scripture, Isaiah 43:1-2:

“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
   I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
 When you pass through the waters,
   I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
   they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
   you will not be burned;
   the flames will not set you ablaze.
For I am the LORD your God,
   the Holy One of Israel, your Savior;
I give Egypt for your ransom..."

Whenever I read it again, I feel so safe, secure, and loved by God that it makes me smile. (I'll confess--sometimes it makes me cry.) It reminds me that no matter what I'm going through, God stays close to me and protects me, now and forever. No matter what you lose here on earth, you will always have God. And God is all you really ever need :)

So, what happened to Button Eyes? you might be asking. The story has a happy ending! A few months later when my family went to stay with my grandparents for Christmas, my grandmother (we called her "Nana") took my hand and said, "I have a surprise for you," and led me to her bedroom. She opened her closet door, and sitting on the shelf was my dear Button Eyes. I swept him up into my arms and pressed him close to me. "This is better than a birthday present!" I exclaimed. And it was. But, as I have found out since, it wasn't the best present, which is the unfailing gift of God's love and grace.

And may He bless you!

Btw, here's Button Eyes today.  He looks old and worn, but that's what happens when you've been well-loved!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wear Red, White, and Blue this Saturday!

The colors of the flag will be a good choice to wear this Saturday. It's Armed Forces Day!

In California a few years ago a shopping mall and the military held a big celebration where kids could go on helicopters, boats, and planes. This Saturday I will attend a picnic at the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. From coast to coast we can celebrate!

This is a day to thank men and women who serve our country in the military. Many military bases will hold open houses and programs where you can take a tour or greet service personnel.

You can honor these people:
  • Wear red, white, and blue
  • Display the American flag
  • Write a letter to someone in the military
  • Pray for our men and women who are in battle areas
  • Visit a historic park where battles were fought. While there, pick up liter or donate money to help preserve the park.
  • Sing patriotic songs (Yankee Doodle, Battle Hymn of the Republic, America, God Bless America, The Star Spangled Banner)
  • Thank people in your family who served our country
  • Pray for peace
A way cool happening: One woman, Kathy Strong, wore a POW bracelet for 38 years and prayed the person named on the bracelet (Green Beret James Moreland, a medic) would be brought home. He died in Vietnam but no one had found and identified his bones. This year the military identified him through DNA tests. Last week Kathy took off the bracelet and it was buried with James. She also saw the Bible James read as a child and the verses he underlined. His boss (commanding officer) had become a preacher and did the service (he's a real hero too-Col. Longgrear and there's even a toy action figure of him).

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Got Fear?

Most of us fear something.

Remember when I was talking about Sarah in my last post? I think if Sarah had to name her fear, it would have been the fear of never having a child.

For me it's heights. Not all heights. Just heights that make me feel like I could fall. I look down and feel dizzy. I haven't always felt like this. This first time I noticed it was when I was about 20, and I saw a small child at the top of the biggest slide I've ever seen. Mom was nowhere around and I was sure this child was going to fall at any minute. He couldn't make it over the top to come down the slide, and he couldn't back down. He was stuck. I sprint to the slide and climbed to the top.

Then I had to figure out how to get over the top with the child and safely down the slide. It was tricky, but I managed. Then I looked down. Whoa. And that's when I knew I had a problem with heights.

And you know what? Instead of pretending I don't feel that way, I give myself permission to feel that way. It doesn't prevent me from going about my daily life and doing the things I want to do.

It's okay to have fear, but not if it keeps you from doing what you need to. Like if you're afraid of dogs and you have to walk by a big, ugly barking dog on the way to school everyday, that might make you want to stay home. Or if you fear tests, that might make you do poorly at school. Then it's time to talk with someone about it.

Why I am bringing this up? Because last week I offered my children the chance to parasail. One of them had done it before, so she knew she liked it. The others weren't sure. They'd never been that high, so they didn't know how they'd feel about it.

Two were too young, one didn't really want to try it (not heights, just not interested) and three decided to do it. Jasmine is only ten, so I had all three go together.

Jasmine  panicked as they started to go up, so the other two decided that the three of them would sing all the songs from Tangled. Jasmine loves to sing and she watches Tangled at least three times a week, so singing those songs was a good plan to take her mind off of her fear.

Me? I stayed on the ground of course!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

God's love for YOU!

Sherry here. Did you know God loves you? There are many verses in the Bible that describe just how much. Below are some examples.
He takes great delight in you, rejoices over you with gladness and quiets you with His love; He sings over you (Zeph. 3:14-17).
His adorations are upon you, so much so that He knows even the number of hairs on your head (Luke 12:7).
You are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14).
Do you know that He is preparing a place for you? (John 14:2-3)
You were not a mistake, for all your days are written in his book. (Psalm 139:15-16).
He determined the exact time of your birth and where you would live. (Acts 17:26).
His thoughts toward you are countless as the sand on the seashore. (Psalms 139:17-18)
You are His treasured possession. (Exodus 19:5)

The next time you wonder if God really cares for you, remember these verses!

Idea: Look up each of these verses in your Bible and write them down on 3 x 5 cards, then stick them all around your room as a reminder of His great love for YOU!


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day--Every Day!

Hi, it's Marilyn. When I was a little girl, there was a certain TV show on every morning that ended with this line, "Remember, every day is Mother's Day." So, even though Mother's Day was a few days ago, in that spirit of the old TV show host, I thought I'd write about Mother's Day this week.

Here are some things you might not know about your mom:

- The first time she saw you, she forgot all about herself and thought only about making sure that you were safe and happy for the rest of your life.
- Every night before she goes to bed, she comes into your room to say good-night once more, even though you're asleep.
- When you catch her looking at you, she's thinking how beautiful you are and how much she loves you.
- Even if it doesn't seem like it all the time, your mom wants only the best for you.
- She worries a lot about you, even if she doesn't show it.
- She loves you more than you know, every second of the day and night, even if she doesn't tell you.

When was the last time you and your mom had a conversation? If it's been more than a week, make some time soon to talk with each other. If that seems weird or even hard to do, here are some questions you can ask her:

- How did you celebrate Mother's Day when you were my age?
- If you had a whole day to do whatever you wanted, what would you do?
- What three good things do you think about me?
- What do you do or think about as a mom that other people might not know?

Try it, and then tell me what you learned about your mom. And God bless!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

It's MAY! Yeah spring!

Aloha from Karen
Yeah! The leaves are growing, grass is turning green, and flowers are popping out! I like the fresh scents even though some make me sneeze or get my eyes watering. I hope you have a garden or windowsill to grow some plants.

You can out a little dirt in egg cups of an egg carton, or paper cups, and add marigold seeds. Place them in the sun and add water as needed. Soon seedlings will sprout and grow. When they are a few inches tall you can plant them in a garden or a flower pot. I planted a new type of petunia this year called Black Velvet. It's black with five golden yellow streaks to look like a shooting star in the center. It's fun to wander with your mom or dad in a nursery and find a new plant or flower to grow. You could grow lots of marigolds and sell them to neighbors, or give them as gifts.

It's also fun to grow something to eat, like strawberries, tomatoes, or peas. Peas sprout fast but need a little shade. Buy seed packets and follow the directions. The packages have lots of helpful tips.

Make and add some fun markers to the garden. Use tongue depressors and permanent markers to write the names of the plants. Add a design or a tiny picture of the flower or vegetable. Coat it with clear nail polish to give it a shine, and stick each stick in the soil next to the plant.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sarah's Desire

Sarah, like other women in the Bible times, wanted children. They were a sign of God's blessing. When a woman didn't have a baby, other people wondered if she had done something wrong and was being punished. We don't think of it that way now, but that's how it was then.

What Sarah wanted most of all was a child. And God promised her one. Genesis 15:5 says 
     Then the Lord took Abram outside and said to him, “Look up into the sky and count the stars if you can. That’s how many descendants you will have!”

Sarah must have wondered about God's promise since she and Abraham didn't have any children at all. But God kept his promise--although Sarah had to wait many years--and Isaac was born. He was the promised child. God fulfilled his promises through Isaac.

Sarah was a mother at last! And she was happy. Now the other women would realize that God had blessed her too.

Next Sunday we celebrate Mother's Day. This may be a sad day for women who want children but don't yet have any, but a happy day for those who are blessed with children. Families add children through birth, adoption and foster care. I have two children by birth, three adopted from Haiti, one adopted through a private adoption in the United States, one adopted through foster care and a step child.

Even though children join families in different ways, each is equally valuable, and God has an amazing plan for every child because they are all created in his image.  

This is a picture of my family. Leave a comment and tell about your family.
