Saturday, August 31, 2013

A Light to Guide You

A Light to Guide You
Q: What book of the Bible says God's Word is a light for your path?
            a.  Hebrews
            b. Psalms
            c. Proverbs

     Imagine this. You and a friend are on a camping trip with your parents. The two of you get permission to walk to a nearby nature area. You pack snacks and bottles of water into your backpacks, and you're off.
     You have fun, but you weren't paying attention to the time. The sun is setting quickly, and you realize you'd better head back to the campsite. You know you just have to cut through the woods, and you'll be there.
     "Which way?" you ask your friend.
     "I don't know. What do you think?" He looks around.
     "I'm not sure. Everything looks different in the dark."
     "Wait a minute. I think I have a flashlight in my backpack." He digs around for a few seconds and pulls out a flashlight. He clicks it on and a bright beam of light cuts through the dark.
     "Point it over there," you say. "I think that's the way back."
     He shines the light where you point. Sure enough, it's your campsite straight ahead. The flashlight saved the day.
        God says his Word will be a light for your path. It tells you how to live, and it helps you make decisions. It's important to become familiar with the Bible so you can use it as your guide for life. Read from the Bible each day and ask yourself how the Scripture applies to you.
For you: When it comes to life's questions, you don't need to grope around in the dark, trying to find your way. You already have a light and a guide. The Bible can guide you in making the right decisions and knowing what to do when you aren't sure of the way. Take time to read a few verses of Scripture every day.
Answer: b
     Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path. Psalm 119:105

From The One Year Book of Devotions for Kids, Tyndale House Publishers coming October 2013

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