Hi, it's Marilyn! Hey, it's almost the new year--2012! Are you excited about celebrating on New Year's Eve, or is it just another night for you? Do you stay up to greet the new year, or go to bed at your usual time?
Here are some things I'm going to do:
1. Clean my house. When I lived in Japan several years ago, I helped my school and host family prepare for the new year by cleaning the house so it was sparkling clean when the new year arrived. Ever since then, I've tried to keep that tradition by cleaning up near the end of December.
2. Pray for one word to focus on for 2012. I'm quite sure I know what this word is, but I'm keeping it in my heart until the new year begins.
3. Have a party! I'm inviting friends to my house for a celebration. We'll eat "small bites," drink a yummy punch made of fruit, fruit juice, sherbet, and soda, and enjoy one another's company.
4. Set goals for 2012. I can never keep resolutions, but I often meet goals that I've set. These goals include finishing tasks (such as completing the draft of a new book) and improving on things I already do (such as deepening my relationship with God).
The end of the old year and the beginning of a new year means a chance for new beginnings, a chance to start fresh. It's like our relationship with God--even if we drift away from him or do things we know he doesn't like, he loves us so much that he always welcomes us back and invites us to come closer to him.
Happy New Year, and God bless you!